A note about PCAP vs PCAPNG: there are two versions of the PCAP file format; PCAPNG is newer and not supported by all tools. You may need to convert a file from PCAPNG to PCAP using Wireshark or another compatible tool, in order to work with it in some other tools.
The following tools are useful to extract statistic, files...
If you are going to analyze a PCAP you basically must to know how to use Wireshark
You can find some Wireshark trick in:
Xplico Framework
****Xplico(only linux)**can analyze a pcap** and extract information from it. For example, from a pcap file Xplico extracts each email (POP, IMAP, and SMTP protocols), all HTTP contents, each VoIP call (SIP), FTP, TFTP, and so on.
Access to with credentials xplico:xplico
Then create a new case, create a new session inside the case and upload the pcap file.
Like Xplico it is a tool to analyze and extract objects from pcaps. It has a free edition that you can downloadhere. It works with Windows.
This tool is also useful to get other information analysed from the packets in order to be able to know what was happening there in a quick way.
NetWitness Investigator
You can download NetWitness Investigator from here(It works in Windows).
This is another useful tool that analyse the packets and sort the information in a useful way to know what is happening inside.
Check if you can find any fingerprint of a known malware:
Zeek is a passive, open-source network traffic analyzer. Many operators use Zeek as a network security monitor (NSM) to support investigations of suspicious or malicious activity. Zeek also supports a wide range of traffic analysis tasks beyond the security domain, including performance measurement and troubleshooting.
Basically, logs created by zeek aren't pcaps. Therefore you will need to use other tools to analyse the logs where the information about the pcaps are.
Connections Info
#Get info about longest connections (add "grep udp" to see only udp traffic)#The longest connection might be of malware (constant reverse shell?)catconn.log|zeek-cutid.orig_hid.orig_pid.resp_hid.resp_pprotoserviceduration|sort-nrk7|head-n1010.55.100.1004977865.52.108.225443tcp-86222.36544510.55.100.10756099111.221.29.113443tcp-86220.12615110.55.100.1106016840.77.229.82443tcp-86160.119664#Improve the metrics by summing up the total duration time for connections that have the same destination IP and Port.cat conn.log | zeek-cut id.orig_h id.resp_h id.resp_p proto duration | awk 'BEGIN{ FS="\t" } { arr[$1 FS $2 FS $3 FS $4] += $5 } END{ for (key in arr) printf "%s%s%s\n", key, FS, arr[key] }' | sort -nrk 5 | head -n 10 the number of connectionssummed up per each linecat conn.log | zeek-cut id.orig_h id.resp_h duration | awk 'BEGIN{ FS="\t" } { arr[$1 FS $2] += $3; count[$1 FS $2] += 1 } END{ for (key in arr) printf "%s%s%s%s%s\n", key, FS, count[key], FS, arr[key] }' | sort -nrk 4 | head -n 10 if any IP is connecting to|zeek-cutid.orig_hid.resp_hid.resp_pprotoservice|grep''|sort|uniq-c#Get number of connections per source IP, dest IP and dest Portcat conn.log | zeek-cut id.orig_h id.resp_h id.resp_p proto | awk 'BEGIN{ FS="\t" } { arr[$1 FS $2 FS $3 FS $4] += 1 } END{ for (key in arr) printf "%s%s%s\n", key, FS, arr[key] }' | sort -nrk 5 | head -n 10
### RITA#Something similar can be done with the tool ritaritashow-long-connections-H--limit10zeek_logs+---------------+----------------+--------------------------+----------------+|SOURCEIP|DESTINATIONIP|DSTPORT:PROTOCOL:SERVICE|DURATION|+---------------+----------------+--------------------------+----------------+|||443:tcp:-|23h57m2.3655s||||443:tcp:-|23h57m0.1262s||||443:tcp:-|23h56m0.1197s|#Get connections info from ritaritashow-beaconszeek_logs|head-n10Score,Source IP,Destination IP,Connections,Avg Bytes,Intvl Range,Size Range,Top Intvl,Top Size,Top Intvl Count,Top Size Count,Intvl Skew,Size Skew,Intvl Dispersion,Size Dispersion
DNS info
#Get info about each DNS request performedcatdns.log|zeek-cut-cid.orig_hqueryqtype_nameanswers#Get number of times each domain was requestedand get top 10catdns.log|zeek-cutquery|sort|uniq|rev|cut-d'.'-f1-2|rev|sort|uniq-c|sort-nr|head-n10#Get all the IPscatdns.log|zeek-cutid.orig_hquery|grep'example\.com'|cut-f1|sort|uniq-c#Sort the most common dnsrecord request (should be A)catdns.log|zeek-cutqtype_name|sort|uniq-c|sort-nr#See top DNS domain requested with ritaritashow-exploded-dns-H--limit10zeek_logs