Local Cloud Storage
In Windows you can find the OneDrive folder in \Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive
And inside logs\Personal
it's possible to find the file SyncDiagnostics.log
which contains some interesting data regarding the synchronized files:
Size in bytes
Creation date
Modification date
Number of files in the cloud
Number of files in the folder
CID: Unique ID of the OneDrive user
Report generation time
Size of the HD of the OS
Once you have found the CID it's recommended to search files containing this ID. You may be able to find files with the name: <CID>.ini and <CID>.dat that may contain interesting information like the names of files syncronized with OneDrive.
Google Drive
In Widows you can find the main Google Drive folder in \Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Drive\user_default
This folder contains a file called Sync_log.log with information like the email address of the account, filenames, timestamps, MD5 hashes of the files...
Even deleted files appears in that log file with it's corresponding MD5.
The file Cloud_graph\Cloud_graph.db
is a sqlite database which contains the table cloud_graph_entry
In this table you can find: the name of the synchronized files, modified time, size, MD5 checksum of the files.
The table data of the database Sync_config.db
contains the email address of the account, path of the shared folders and Google Drive version.
Dropbox uses SQLite databases to mange the files. In this You can find the databases in the folders:
And the main databases are:
The ".dbx" extension means that the databases are encrypted. Dropbox uses DPAPI (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/ms995355(v=msdn.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN)
In order to understand better the encryption that Dropbox uses you can read https://blog.digital-forensics.it/2017/04/brush-up-on-dropbox-dbx-decryption.html.
However, the main information is:
Entropy: d114a55212655f74bd772e37e64aee9b
Salt: 0D638C092E8B82FC452883F95F355B8E
Algorithm: PBKDF2
Iterations: 1066
Apart from that information, in order to decrypt the databases you still need:
The encrypted DPAPI key: You can find it in the registry inside
(export this data as binary)The
hivesThe DPAPI master keys: Which can be found in
The username and password of the Windows user
Then you can use the tool DataProtectionDecryptor:
If everything goes as expected, the tool will indicate the primary key that you need to use to recover the original one. To recover the original one, just use this [cyber_chef receipt](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Derive_PBKDF2_key%28%7B'option':'Hex','string':'98FD6A76ECB87DE8DAB4623123402167'%7D,128,1066,'SHA1',%7B'option':'Hex','string':'0D638C092E8B82FC452883F95F355B8E'%7D%29) putting the primary key as the "passphrase" inside the receipt.
The resulting hex is the final key used to encrypt the databases which can be decrypted with:
The config.dbx
database contains:
Email: The email of the user
usernamedisplayname: The name of the user
dropbox_path: Path where the dropbox folder is located
Host_id: Hash used to authenticate to the cloud. This can only be revoked from the web.
Root_ns: User identifier
The filecache.db
database contains information about all the files and folders synchronized with Dropbox. The table File_journal
is the one with more useful information:
Server_path: Path where the file is located inside the server (this path is preceded by the
of the client) .local_sjid: Version of the file
local_mtime: Modification date
local_ctime: Creation date
Other tables inside this database contain more interesting information:
block_cache: hash of all the files and folder of Dropbox
block_ref: Related the hash ID of the table
with the file ID in the tablefile_journal
mount_table: Share folders of dropbox
deleted_fields: Dropbox deleted files
Last updated
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